Accompagnement personnalisé pour votre épanouissement

Coaching- Thérapie-Analyse- PNL- Bilan de compétence -Orientation

Coaching professionnel

Développez vos compétences et atteignez vos objectifs.

Trouver sa voie pour reconversion ou orientation

Bilan de compétences


Accompagnement thérapeutique pour un mieux-être durable.

Praticien PNL

Orientation professionnelle

Thérapie et coaching

La psychothérapie, psychanalyse ou le coaching sont des approches essentielles pour ceux qui cherchent à mieux comprendre leurs émotions et à résoudre leurs problèmes intérieurs. En combinant ces méthodes traditionnelles avec des techniques de coaching basées sur la neuroscience, il est possible d'atteindre un bien-être optimal. Ces outils permettent non seulement d'explorer les racines des difficultés psychologiques, mais aussi d'acquérir des stratégies pratiques pour gérer le stress et développer la résilience. En travaillant sur soi-même, chacun peut découvrir de nouvelles perspectives et favoriser un épanouissement personnel. Que ce soit à travers des séances individuelles ou des ateliers de groupe, cette démarche holistique vise à promouvoir une vie équilibrée et enrichissante. Investir dans sa santé mentale est un pas crucial vers une meilleure qualité de vie.

Coaching professionnel .

Le coaching professionnel est un processus précieux qui guide les individus dans leur orientation professionnelle et le développement de leurs compétences. Grâce à des bilans de compétences approfondis, les coaches aident leurs clients à identifier leurs atouts, leurs passions et leurs aspirations, leur permettant ainsi de trouver leur voie. Qu'il s'agisse de changement de carrière, d'amélioration des performances ou d'acquisition de nouvelles aptitudes, le coaching offre un accompagnement personnalisé qui favorise la confiance en soi et l’épanouissement professionnel. En exploitant les ressources intérieures et en établissant des objectifs clairs, chacun peut progresser vers une trajectoire qui correspond à ses valeurs et ambitions. Ce processus d'introspection et de réajustement est essentiel pour maximiser son potentiel sur le marché du travail dynamique d'aujourd'hui.

Votre chemin vers le succès

Chez mycoachpsy, nous offrons un accompagnement personnalisé à vos besoins

A person, likely a coach, is focused and speaking intensely to another individual. The setting appears to be a sports event, as indicated by the presence of a cheerleader in the background and someone wearing a sports jersey. The atmosphere suggests a serious discussion, possibly during a game timeout.
A person, likely a coach, is focused and speaking intensely to another individual. The setting appears to be a sports event, as indicated by the presence of a cheerleader in the background and someone wearing a sports jersey. The atmosphere suggests a serious discussion, possibly during a game timeout.
A soccer coach engages players seated on a bench during what seems like a break or team talk on a green soccer field. The players wear matching pink jerseys with numbers, while the coach is dressed in a white polo shirt. Small soccer goals and buildings appear in the background.
A soccer coach engages players seated on a bench during what seems like a break or team talk on a green soccer field. The players wear matching pink jerseys with numbers, while the coach is dressed in a white polo shirt. Small soccer goals and buildings appear in the background.

Découvrez notre approche unique

Nous sommes des praticiens en PNL, spécialisés dans l'accompagnement personnel et professionnel pour vous aider à réaliser vos aspirations.

Nos Services

Accompagnement personnalisé en coaching, bilan de compétence et orientation pour un développement optimal.

Coaching Personnel

Développez vos compétences et atteignez vos objectifs avec un coaching sur mesure et adapté.

Two individuals are in a dimly lit setting, one wearing boxing headgear, suggesting a boxing or athletic context. One person appears to be instructing or motivating the other. The atmosphere is intense with smoke or mist adding dramatic tension.
Two individuals are in a dimly lit setting, one wearing boxing headgear, suggesting a boxing or athletic context. One person appears to be instructing or motivating the other. The atmosphere is intense with smoke or mist adding dramatic tension.
Bilan de Compétences

Évaluez vos compétences et identifiez vos atouts pour mieux orienter votre parcours professionnel.

Découvrez les techniques de PNL pour améliorer votre communication et votre développement personnel.

Praticien PNL
A coach is holding a clipboard and wearing a headset while talking to a player who is dressed in a football uniform. They are standing on a synthetic turf field with bleachers and spectators in the background.
A coach is holding a clipboard and wearing a headset while talking to a player who is dressed in a football uniform. They are standing on a synthetic turf field with bleachers and spectators in the background.
A person is standing in front of a large chalkboard, writing motivational phrases in different colors. The board has phrases in both English and Portuguese. The person has short, light-colored hair and is wearing a gray shirt.
A person is standing in front of a large chalkboard, writing motivational phrases in different colors. The board has phrases in both English and Portuguese. The person has short, light-colored hair and is wearing a gray shirt.

Avis Clients

Découvrez les témoignages de nos clients satisfaits et inspirés.

Le coaching m'a aidé à trouver ma voie professionnelle. Merci infiniment !

Sophie Martin
A tennis coach is giving instructions to a young player on an indoor clay court. There is a basket of tennis balls and a tennis racket in the foreground. The background shows the interior of the court structure with metal scaffolding and cream-colored fabric walls.
A tennis coach is giving instructions to a young player on an indoor clay court. There is a basket of tennis balls and a tennis racket in the foreground. The background shows the interior of the court structure with metal scaffolding and cream-colored fabric walls.


Un accompagnement exceptionnel qui m'a permis de mieux me connaître et d'évoluer. Je recommande vivement les services de MyCoachPsy.

On a sports field, a coach and a player are engaged in what appears to be a practice or warm-up session. The player is dressed in a white uniform and red helmet, holding a lacrosse stick, while the coach is pointing and providing instructions. In the background, a group of players in purple jerseys are lined up, likely for practice or a game.
On a sports field, a coach and a player are engaged in what appears to be a practice or warm-up session. The player is dressed in a white uniform and red helmet, holding a lacrosse stick, while the coach is pointing and providing instructions. In the background, a group of players in purple jerseys are lined up, likely for practice or a game.
Jean Dupont




Découvrez nos moments forts en coaching et accompagnement.

A young tennis player in sports attire is at a tennis court with their coach. The coach is holding a basket full of tennis balls and tossing one towards the player. They are both indoors, and the playing surface appears to be clay. The environment is well-lit, and the setting seems focused on training.
A young tennis player in sports attire is at a tennis court with their coach. The coach is holding a basket full of tennis balls and tossing one towards the player. They are both indoors, and the playing surface appears to be clay. The environment is well-lit, and the setting seems focused on training.
A coaching board displaying a diagram of a hockey rink is placed on a wooden bench. There is a blue cooler to the left and a piece of clothing, possibly a jersey, draped over the bench. A green object is visible in the background, slightly out of focus.
A coaching board displaying a diagram of a hockey rink is placed on a wooden bench. There is a blue cooler to the left and a piece of clothing, possibly a jersey, draped over the bench. A green object is visible in the background, slightly out of focus.
Three pieces of paper arranged vertically feature the words 'dialectical', 'behaviour', and 'therapy'. The background is a plain light gray.
Three pieces of paper arranged vertically feature the words 'dialectical', 'behaviour', and 'therapy'. The background is a plain light gray.
A professional consultation setting with a medical professional sitting at a desk facing a client. The room has a modern aesthetic with white walls decorated with framed certificates. The desk is organized with office supplies, a laptop, and a fruit bowl in the center.
A professional consultation setting with a medical professional sitting at a desk facing a client. The room has a modern aesthetic with white walls decorated with framed certificates. The desk is organized with office supplies, a laptop, and a fruit bowl in the center.
A large screen displays a book titled 'Team Lead Succeed' by Nick Fewings next to a motivational quote about teamwork attributed to the same author. The background is predominantly red. To the right of the screen, there is a white analog clock. Below the screen, a video conferencing camera is mounted.
A large screen displays a book titled 'Team Lead Succeed' by Nick Fewings next to a motivational quote about teamwork attributed to the same author. The background is predominantly red. To the right of the screen, there is a white analog clock. Below the screen, a video conferencing camera is mounted.